wish me luck

I have started and stopped and started and stopped this blog more times than I care to admit. I get the inspiration and then I lose it. I feel creative and then I don’t. I wonder if anyone would even care and I always end on “no, they won’t”, and I delete everything. I second guess myself over and over and over again. It’s a cycle I’ve been in for years now.

I just signed up for a writing class and I’m using it as a reason to start this blog again. I have less than zero idea where this will take me, but I would really like to commit to this space and stick to it. Not because it’s a New Years resolution, not because I just discovered an amazing new recipe, not because I’m going on a trip, not for any other reason than I want to.

Hopefully, along the way I’ll learn a bunch of new things. Hopefully, I’ll make some new friends. Hopefully, someone will find it helpful. Whatever it ends up being, I will be happy just for doing it, even if it’s just me typing into the void, that’s ok.. it will be my journal and when I'm old and gray I can look back at this and feel happy just for trying.

Wish me luck,



roses, rain, and teenage angst