on writing: a memoir of the craft

I was recommended Stephen King’s memoir by Jonathon Dent, he’s an astrologer I follow on Instagram. He said “even if you don’t read King, his memoir is very insightful and it’s helpful to hear how other writers think about their process.” Jonathon was right. This memoir is honest, in your face and thought provoking. King narrates the audio version and once again I was eating my words on not liking an author narrating their own audio books. Listen, he’s Stephen freaking King, he has nothing to lose by being honest.. and he is brutally honest in this book. It’s a treasure trove for a wanna be writer. I will definitely refer back to this book often if I do ever decide to stop being a chicken shit and write something. I don’t know if you would like this book if you’re not interested in hearing a legend talk about writing, but if you are interested, get this book, it’s well worth it’s weight in gold. **Also, I loved how much he loves his wife. He speaks of her often in the book and it was heartwarming to me.


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