Bird by bird

Bird by bird by: Anne Lamott. Ok, first of all, I love Anne Lamott. She lives here in the Bay Area and if I wasn’t wound so tight, I would try to find her and ask her to be my best friend. I’m sure that wouldn’t terrify her. I was given this book from my friend Grace to help me in my journey with writing. You would think a book that’s meant to help you become a better writer would be pretty dry.. wrong. I thought Anne (first name basis) did a great job of sharing her insights and making it funny. I love this book as a resource. I felt like she was being brutally honest about the process of writing, which I appreciated. I will say that I also bought the audio version to listen to as refresher. She narrates it, which isn’t great. I hope she never reads this and I will deny it if anyone tells her I said that.


Demon Copperhead


remarkably bright creatures